Version 1.03 for ACT Apricot XEN
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ACT Apricot made several non-PC-compatible computers in the 80s, one of them being XEN. It was succeeded by PC-compatible XEN-i. XEN ran MS-DOS and Windows, but no emulator exists for this machine at this time. However, because it was backwards compatible with its predecessor, the Xi, you can use either QDAE or MAME to emulate Xi and run this Windows release on it. You may have keyboard problems though (Xi's keyboard is quite different from a standard IBM one), and the mouse will only work if you start a DOS driver for Xi's mouse before Windows.
This release comes on six 3.5" 720 kB floppy disks in Apricot format, which can't be read under regular (non-Apricot) MS-DOS. It is dated 24th February 1987 and is designated as VR1.03. The bootscreen features an apricot rendered in ASCII, and the Apricot logo below it. The text at the bottom is:
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1985 Version VR1.03 24-02-87 17:30