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Basic information

Made by: Cadlogic Systems Corp.
Announced: November 1986 at COMDEX
Released: December 1986 or 1st half of 1987
Type: Drawing
Price: $99.95
Copy protection: Unknown


Instinct may have been initially announced as Ideadraw, and was to be marketted by the American Mitac Corp., which also marketted a product called EasiDraw. The two products may be related. A version of Instinct with more features, called Instinct Plus, was also released around the same time. Instinct was also pre-installed on the ARC 386-S Desktop Publishing System. A Windows 1.0 runtime was not included with the retail product.

Version 1.0 was found among old shareware titles, accompanied by some sample drawings and a manual. However, it appears to be the full version with no obvious limitations. An unknown version was reviewed in the June 1987 issue of BYTE magazine.

Available releases

Version 1.0